Dart League Rules Reminder (Updated 01/01/23)
League Play
Greater Omaha Leagues sponsor dart leagues playing on Arachnid's Galaxy 3 dartboards in a tavern setting. League play cricket, “01” and combinations of the two. Players are only allowed to use plastic tip darts not exceeding 8 inches in length and up to 20 grams in weight. Players shoot from a “player's box”; extending from the throw line back 3' and approximately 1' to each side. Leaving this area is an indication that the player's turn is over. A player must remain behind the foul like until all 3 darts have been thrown. A player's turn consists of three darts, but all three do not have to be thrown to complete a turn. A dart thrown counts as part of that player's turn and cannot be thrown again if it misses or bounces out. A dropped dart is not a thrown dart and may be picked up and thrown as long as the player does not have to cross the throw line to retrieve it. Darts on the board will not be touched until a player's turn is over; with the exception that a dart is causing a stuck segment. That dart may be removed carefully in an effort to not mis-score anything.
“01” games begin with 301, 501 or 701 (Unless equalized) with the player attempting to hit a combination of total points to bring the score down to zero. A player's partner's score must be equal to or less than the combined opponents scores or a block occurs (Freeze Rule). An out while blocked results in a loss of the game. Most “01” games are played using a single bull, where both the inside circle (Double Bull) and the outside circle count as 50 points, the exception is for double in/double out games...where the outer circle is 25 points and the inner bull is worth 50 points. The only exception to this is in reverse handicapping, the higher rated player will have additional points added onto their score.
In the game of cricket, the player/team attempts to close the 20s, 19s, 18s, 17s, 16s, 15s and bulls by hitting three of each. Points are obtained by hitting a number that is only closed by your team. When both teams have closed a number, it will no longer allow for points to be scored. The first team to close all numbers and have more points is the winner. Cricket is always played using the double bull. Pay attention if your league or tournament has a round limit, reaching the round limit will award the victory to the team with the most points; regardless of how many numbers you have closed.
Players not in compliance with the rules are said to have committed a foul. During league play there is no official to make foul calls. Since many foul calls are judgements, players should calmly discuss perceived infractions and attempt to resolve them in a civilized manner. If unable to do so, play should continue and a complaint made to the League Coordinator the next day – no disagreement is worth fighting and it will not be tolerated.
Committing a foul may lead to loss of darts in hand, loss of a turn, loss of a game, loss of a match or expulsion from the tavern, the league or any associated sponsored events. This decision is made by the League Coordinator or a board setup by the Coordinator.
A Partial List of Common Fouls
1. Player crosses the throw line with his foot while throwing. If this is a continued pattern throughout the match, report it to your league coordinator via email, text or private message so he can review the footage. Please provide the game that the infraction(s) occur so the entire match does not need reviewed. Discipline may include a loss of game(s) or further reprimand, but the coordinator will contact the offender to make them aware of their foul. If player steps over the line as part of their throw, the dart must leave their hand prior to their foot hitting the floor. In-Person tournaments --- 1st offense is a warning; make sure tournament coordinator is notified so they can watch. 2nd offense, back up dart so it doesn't count (no rethrow allowed). 3rd offense, loss of dart + loss of next turn. 4th offense is forfeiture of game.
2. If a player throws out of turn, the backup button may be used to correct the problem. If the game continues without correction and a complaint is filed with the league coordinator, the team whose player shot out of turn will lose the game by disqualification. It is always the players responsibility to watch the board and shoot only when it's their turn.
3. Manually scored darts are treated the same – if possible, the back up button is used to return the game to the correct point and play proceeds as normal. Again, it is the incoming player's responsibility to watch the board.
4. Kabitzing – making noises, motions or gestures that is distracting to your opponent while they are attempting their turn. Common infractions are coughing, whistling, comments, rubbing darts together, etc. Upon first noticing, let the opponent know that it is distracting and to kindly refrain. The continued use of these tactics is deemed unsportsmanlike conduct and should be reported to your league coordinator so the offender can be warned. These are more an issue in the "travel" leagues, where teams are both present.
5. Abuse of the equipment will not be tolerated and may result in expulsion from the match or league as well as monetary reparations to repair the damage done. If the board resets during a game as a result of abuse, it is an automatic loss of the entire match. If a board resets due to power failure or interruption, play should resume at that point when the board comes back on.
6. Poor sportsmanship or unethical conduct will be judged by the league coordinator or a chosen board of peers and may result in suspension or expulsion. Physical contact between players will not be tolerated. Violators determined to have been fighting or causing a fight will be suspended for a minimum of a season.
7. ALL decisions made by the league coordinator or board of peers will be final.
8. Sandbagging – Anyone caught sandbagging (purposely throwing off to lower average, i.e. throwing at #s that don't count, throwing from outside the shooter's box, throwing opposite handed unless injured, throwing underhanded, attempting "trick shots", etc.) will have their games reviewed and corrections made. 1st Offense: Player will have a floor attached to their average for a period of 90 days, in which their average can not go lower than their starting average. Other actions may include not being able to play in a City tournament or any other equalized or capped tournaments... if occurrences continue, other actions taken may include suspension from the league or even expulsion from the league.
** Before you make an accusation about sandbagging ... re-read rule 8. Someone throwing over their average is NOT sandbagging, it's actually quite the opposite. Also remember, we now track & utilize tournament averages for players. Long gone are the days of shooting poorly in league & using that average in all of your tournaments to win.
9. Anyone leaving in the middle of a match, will be considered a forfeiture. The player will a) forfeit all games in the match b) lose 50 UQ pts for the forfeit and c) be suspended for a period of no less than 30 days. A 2nd offense in the same season will result in the player being removed from the league and all of the penalties that come with that.
1. In league play "the board is always right" except when the dart doesn't register as having been thrown and is sticking in the board (and isn't the 1st dart thrown – as it's not always possible to determine if the dart was thrown before the board finished changing players) or if the dart is sticking in the board and is the winning dart. In these instances team Captains should confer and make a decision. In remote leagues, if a dart is stuck and doesn't count as anything, you may manually count it, but you MUST immediately pause the game & contact your opponent and let them know that's what happened so they don't report you for cheating. Do NOT remove your darts from the board, so the opponent has the chance to look closely at the screen for their own peace of mind. If you remove your darts, your round is over and play resumes. If upon examination, the opponent still disagrees on your dart being in the segment, "the board doesn't lie" rule applies. Everyone remain as honest as possible...after all, it's a game and supposed to be fun first and foremost.
2. A thrown dart that bounces off the board CANNOT be rethrown, regardless of whether it registered on the board. The thrower is responsible for manually pressing the player change button if one or more darts don't register. Do so BEFORE removing your other darts, as to not accidentally manually score anything.
3. A dart thrown before the player's turn is considered a thrown dart and may not be thrown again or manually scored.
Player Skill Ratings
Greater Omaha Leagues uses PPD (points per dart) and MPR (marks per round) to rank our players. PPD is used in “01” games and is the total points per round divided by the number of darts thrown. MPR is used in cricket and is the total number of marks scored divided by the total number of rounds thrown. A player needs to play in at least 12 league games in a season to establish an average. A player participating in multiple leagues or divisions will be given an overall average based upon all leagues combined. A new player coming into the leagues will be assigned a MPR of 1.9 and a PPD of 17.0 if male and a MPR of 1.7 and a PPD of 16.0 if female. If a player has an established MPR, multiply by 10 to get starting PPD.
Any leagues that feature multiple divisions will use the teams' combined averages to determine which division they fall into. If a team lists subs when signing up, their averages will be factored into which division the team is placed. The combined team average will be determined by the players with the highest averages.
Greater Omaha Leagues uses an “anti-sandbagging” rule, in which players' averages cannot be lowered for the first three weeks of that team's season. A player can only raise their average for the first three weeks so their average for those weeks will never be lower than what they began the season with. If a team has a BYE or has a match not played during its first three weeks of the season, the rule will be extended until the team has completed three matches. Update 1/1/17: In addition to the aforementioned "anti-sandbagging" rule, Greater Omaha Leagues has included the following to safeguard from this offense...league stats are pulled a few weeks prior to the ending of the league & rechecked at the conclusion of the league, any player improving has their average updated. Update 1/1/20: Again along the lines of sandbagging, any player who publicly states that they may be sandbagging or planning to sandbag will have their average frozen as "known ability" indefinitely. That player will be able to increase their average, but no longer able to lower it due to the aforementioned potential intent to sandbag.
Match Times
Updated 1/18/18: Match times are at 1:00pm, 4:00pm, 7:00pm or 7:30pm (real time). Players have a 10 minute grace period, but this is NOT to be abused. Abuse is defined as a team regularly logging into or starting the league match 10 minutes or later past the scheduled start time. Matches should start during this time or they are subject to forfeiture. Rescheduling a match requires a minimum 4 hour notice (2 hours if due to inclement weather). In cases of severe weather, the League Coordinator can waive the ability to take a forfeit and advise the teams to play at their own risk. The League Coordinator should be notified of forfeits or rescheduled matches via text, email or private message. In the case of an emergency, immediate contact should be made with opponent, letting them know what happened. A forfeit will not be allowed if an emergency occurred and prompt communication was made ... again COMMUNICATION IS KEY! Make up matches should be made up within the following 4 weeks, unless teams agree to play a double header on their next scheduled night. For a makeup match, both teams MUST play at their regularly scheduled home location (or location of original match in travel leagues), as the locations pay a sponsor fee and have expectations that you will be there. Make up matches are NOT allowed past the last night of league, unless otherwise stated. Anyone found not playing at their sponsoring "home" bar will have the sponsor fee that the bar paid deducted from their team's payback and reimbursed to that location.
Adult/Youth Doubles --- 1pm Start Time
Doubles CR --- 4pm Start Time
Doubles 01/CR --- 7:30pm Start Time
Mixed Trips --- 7:30pm Start Time
Open/EQ Singles --- 7pm Start Time
Team CR --- 7:30pm Start Time
We all know those teams that have the "win at all cost" mentality. Please don't be "that team" who is constantly trying to get a forfeit instead of playing the match. If a team is communicating with you and having issues, internet or board problems, etc...don't try to guilt them into giving up a forfeit just so your team improves in the standings. Yes this is a competition, but we are all a "dart family" and can play with sportsmanship and understanding. That being said, if there is an internet or dartboard issue and the match cannot be played, a forfeit is not an option. This is out of the players' hands and the match will need to be rescheduled or remain as a match unplayed.
New Grace Period Rules: (Begins Winter 2018)
If you feel a team is abusive of the grace period given for start times, please report them to the league coordinator. The league coordinator can go into the league the next morning and view the time stamps that matches are started. Any team found abusing the start time grace period (As outlined above), will incur penalties.
1) If you are having a board issue, internet issue or an emergency, please communicate with the other team & notify the league coordinator as well so it is documented. Immediately call the issue into the on-call tech line (402) 493-5600. Leave a message and the on-call tech will be paged out and come out to the location ASAP. The teams involved have the option to wait for the tech or make arrangements to play the match another day.
2) A partner being late or not arriving on time is not means to start late...if this is the case, the match is to begin and the team with a missing player should skip the missing player's turn until they arrive. This of course is unless the opponent gives additional time for the teammate to arrive.
3) Running late is not a reason, it's an excuse. Everyone is aware that league is to begin at the scheduled time and should arrive at least a few minutes prior so they are insured to be ready to play on time. Please remember, your time is no more valuable than that of your opponent...please show respect.
4) Any team found abusing the grace period will incur the following penalties:
a) First occurrence is a warning to be respectful of opponent
b) Second occurrence is a final warning
c) After the Third occurrence, the team will be fined a deduction of $3.00 from payback for each, as well as 15 points from each player's Ultimate Qualifier rankings.
Abuse of the start time has been an ongoing issue and is no longer going to be tolerated. Everyone who signs up for a league, knows what time it starts, what time they should arrive and be ready to play. Please be respectful to your fellow players and the league will be much more fun for everyone.
Rescheduled matches are an annoyance and can often times be avoided by finding a substitute for the evening. Many times, you can post in the Facebook league group that a sub is needed and other players will be more than willing to help if at all possible. If a sub is not possible: The team needing to reschedule MUST make appropriate contact (phone call, text, PM). Once a reschedule is agreed upon, the team who needed to reschedule the match are expected to make themselves available according to the opposing team's schedule. If the team needing to reschedule cannot make themselves available for the reschedule, the forfeit can still be taken up to and prior to the final night of league. If the team agreeing to reschedule cannot find a time that works for both teams, the match will remain as unplayed. The team that requested the reschedule CANNOT take a forfeit on the other team unless a set time is agreed upon and the opposing team doesn't show up or cancels the makeup at the last minute, without following the notification guidelines. Remember FINDING A SUBSTITUTE is the league's recommended action whenever possible, as everyone signed up for this league specifically because it worked with their schedule and may be the only time they are available to play. Please communicate and work together like adults...NO ONE likes rescheduling, NO ONE like forfeits...many times proper communication can avoid these occurrences.
After a match starts, play will continue in a timely manner, with team members prepared to throw when it's their turn. Failure to do so can be deemed as unsportsmanlike conduct. Contact the offending team and remind them of this rule and if the issue persists, the issue may be reported to the League Coordinator for disciplinary action such as loss of game(s).
League rules apply to approximately 15 minutes after the match has ended.
Captains may agree to change starting times for rescheduling of match. This is also binding and the rules still apply.
All regularly & rescheduled matches MUST be played at original sponsoring location (unless okayed by home bar or bar is not open at reschedule time). If a match is played at an alternate location from sponsoring home bar, your team's sponsor fees will be deducted from your payback and reimbursed to your sponsor bar. Each home bar pays a sponsor fee for your team, which they earn back through your coin drop throughout the season. Basically they are investing in your team and expect that in return you are in their bar to play your matches.
Captains' Responsibilities
1. Know the rules, read material posted on the league website and/or league Facebook page and group. Please introduce yourself to your home bar owner and build a relationship so you can better work together. You would be surprised at the partnership that can be built between the location and a team when you are cordial and build a relationship. This may even lead to the possibility of the bar sponsoring you for future tournaments and helping offset some of those costs. Act like a responsible adult...nothing can create more issues within a league than someone creating issues.
2. If your machine does not have league info on it, call (402) 350-4125 immediately.
3. Collect your teams' money – Dues and cost of games vary depending upon league, but most range around $8-10.
4. Notify the opposing team Captain and make arrangements for rescheduling of the match at least 4 hours prior to match time. The earlier you can notify of the necessity to reschedule the better. Please refer back to the above rules surrounding reschedules...if at all possible, find a substitute(s) for your match so it can be played as scheduled. Trust...it's much easier to find a substitute than find a time that mutually works among all players. Many people signup for leagues when their schedules allow and aren't available for other times. Reschedules should be a LAST RESORT, once all other efforts have been exhausted. If you know that you will be unable to play a specific date weeks in advance, please consider contacting that team to play the match ahead of schedule. This practice is much better for everyone in your league, as far as keeping track of standings. I.E. Anyone planning to attend NDA Team Dart, TOC, etc. and knowing they will miss specific matches, contact the opponent a few weeks ahead of that and play the match early. It's so much less stressful than scrambling to squeeze in makeup matches as the season ends.
Team Captains without a phone number listed on the league website cannot forfeit a team not showing up, because they may have had no way to contact them. Facebook, although many times useful, is NOT an official form of contact as there are quite a few players who don't check their social media regularly. Phone calls are the best option for communication, because you know for sure that contact was made. If you notice your contact # is wrong, please contact league coordinator to update.
No matches can be rescheduled for past the last night of scheduled league, unless an extension has been given by the league coordinator. Extensions may be given due to emergencies, technical issues, etc.
5. Any teams not paying all money due to league, will have money due subtracted from their payback. If payback doesn't cover money due, that team will not be able to participate in their City tournament or receive any earned bonuses, etc.
6. Shooting under any name other than full first and last name will cost your team games for the match. Make sure if using a substitute player, you type in their full first and last name so stats can be kept and sanctioning be updated. If utilizing a last minute substitute and typing them in at the board, make sure you also add their handicap averages (highlight their name on roster page and tap bull to edit average). Make sure you are using their current average as listed on the league website or if they only have an average from another league system, use that average.
7. In the instance of a tie at season's end, the tie breaker will be the teams' win-loss record against each other throughout the season. If the teams still find themselves as a tie, a one match playoff can be played to determine the Champion.
8. If a Junior (under 21 years old) is being used, it is the Captain's responsibility to contact the bar where they play their match and obtain permission for the minor to participate.
9. The Captain should arrange the “bar round” if the host bar is serving them. A bar is NOT required to serve a bar round and the bar rules will be the final arbiter. If the host bar offers a “bar round”, it MUST be the same thing you have been drinking throughout the night. Remember, this is a gift of appreciation, not a requirement. A bar may require a minimum purchase in order to receive a bar round, such as a player being required to purchase two drinks in order to receive his complimentary drink.
10. All rescheduled matches MUST be played at original sponsoring location (unless okayed by home bar or bar is not open at reschedule time). If a match is played at an alternate location from sponsoring home bar, your team's sponsor fees will be deducted from your payback and reimbursed to your sponsor bar. Each home bar pays a sponsor fee for your team, which they earn back through your coin drop throughout the season. Basically they are investing in your team and expect that in return you are in their bar to play your matches.
11. Any team who is missing a league match at the conclusion of the season CANNOT be declared the League Champion, IF a sweep in the the match could have altered their final standings. It is highly important to make sure all matches are played to insure that the true League Champion is crowned and not earned strictly upon missing matches that could've ended up equaling losses that altered the final standings. The exception to this rule is if team can provide screen shots of multiple attempts to make contact with opponent and makeup match with no communication or help from opponent. In this instance, the match will remain not played & win% will be used for League Champion.
12. League Champions receive a cash bonus added onto their payback.
Players' Responsibilities
1. Be sure the machine is displaying your name before shooting.
2. Show up on time or even early, with money and ready to shoot.
3. Be ready to shoot throughout the match in a timely manner.
4. Demonstrate the good sportsmanship that has made darts the popular sport that it is for more than three decades.
5. Claim any prizes won i.e. trophy, checks, plaques, shirts, etc. in a timely manner. Once the league has been completed for 6 months, the office is no longer responsible for your unclaimed items. Payback checks will be mailed out to any Captains that have an address on file, or other arrangements can be made for pickup. Central Distributing only holds checks for 6 months following the completion of a league ... after that, the money is absorbed into the tournament fund and the accounting books are balanced. We understand if arrangements must be made at a later date, but please keep in mind that we are not a storage facility & accounting has to be balanced a couple times a year and it's impossible to do so with uncashed checks floating around.
Sub Rules
1. Original members are the first 4 players on the signup sheet or a player that has played a third the league. For the short Winter & Summer sessions, that's a minimum of 3 weeks ... For the long Fall session, that's a minimum of 5 weeks.
2. Your sub should be checked for each player they are replacing, as league caps are enforced and having a team over your leagues' cap will result in loss of games. If a team is found over the cap, the opposing team will automatically get their win % against that team or 66.6%, whichever is greater.
3. At least one original member of your team must play at all times. A team may play with less than a full team, but must type in a substitute “Ghost” into the board. Edit your Ghost player's average by highlighting his name on the roster and tapping the bull. “Ghost” players are given a 0.1 for MPR and a 0.10 for PPD. Again, any player having played more than 33% the league is considered an "original" player...even if that player remains on your team's sub list.
4. If your sub has a current average with a competing league system that is higher than his current Greater Omaha average, use the higher average when figuring cap. Ex: John Doe plays for Greater Omaha and has an average of a 1.9, John Doe also plays for Acme Vending and has an average of a 2.2...use the 2.2 as it was the higher average. Averages of .01-.05 are rounded down to nearest tenth ... averages of .06-.09 are rounded up i.e 2.25 is a 2.2 ... 2.26 is 2.3.
5. The selected substitute MAY NOT be a regular on the roster of another team in your same division. If a player from another team is used as a substitute, your team will forfeit all wins that player was involved in.
6. For City tournaments, subs MUST be pre-approved by the League Coordinator. Your sub's MPR/PPD CANNOT be higher than the player they are replacing. Subs for City must have an established MPR and PPD with Greater Omaha Leagues and must have played a Greater Omaha League within the previous 12 months to shoot. This notice is also good, as it gives the league coordinator time to enter the sub's info into the dartboards. NEW AMMENDMENT FALL 2018: (Player that subbed for your team must have played a minimum of 1/3 of the season to qualify for City tournament, otherwise alternate sub rules apply). Example: 15 week season, sub must have played a minimum of 5 weeks on your team to be utilized for City tournament ... in the short Winter/Summer session a minimum of 3 weeks. If less than a third, that sub must fall under alternate sub rules and have an average equal to or lower than the player they are replacing. NEW AMMENDMENT SUMMER 2023: When utilizing a sub for City tournament, if your sub's average is so far under your original partner that it moves you to a different City division, your team will be moved as long as the sub is approved a minimum 48 hours prior to the tournament date.
Starting Remote League on Galaxy 3 Dartboard
1. Select League Menu
2. Select Play REMOTE League
3. Select your team and whether your Home or Away
4. Select your opposing team for the night
5. Wait for Opponent to do the same and connect to the match
6. Only feed team's money once the opponents have connected and the league has begun.
**If you put your money into the machine prior to the opponent logging in and they end up not playing, you will have to put any remaining credits on a Hot Button.
Changing Shooting Order:
1. Press arrow on roster screen to highlight players. Once a player is highlighted, you can select them and choose the player you would like to swap them with.
In Mixed Trips or Mixed Doubles, the female player MUST remain in the first position on the roster.
1. All forfeits are subject to review. NEW 2023: Forfeits will give the non-offending team a 15-0 victory (based upon 15 games) or 13-0 (based upon 13 games); HOWEVER the team taking the forfeit CANNOT be declared the League Champion IF their winning % without said forfeit does not keep them as Champion. Taking a forfeit should not be the only reason a team wins a league championship over a team who played all of their matches.
2. Forfeits are not allowed the first week of league play IF a team is having troubles setting up their board, technical issues, weather, late league schedule change, etc. Captains, you MUST make up this match if missed.
3. When a team forfeits a match, their expected league dues for the match will be deducted from their payback as the league's accounting software expects that money to be paid in (That is why the team taking the forfeit still has to pay their league dues). In addition to this, each player will be penalized $5.00 from their payback for forfeiting. Forfeiting matches should be a worst case scenario, after all attempts to reschedule or find a substitute have been exhausted. Money taken as penalties is added to the Ultimate Qualifier Finale pot. Forfeits are NOT allowed to decide the League Champion on the final week of league & in that situation win % would determine final standings, however, if a team fails to show up or play that last week, it will result in forfeiture of their payback, 100 points deducted from their UQ rankings & an automatic 60 day suspension from earning additional points. No-showing the final league match of a season can significantly alter the final standings. It's not fair to any team in the league. Any team found to regularly forfeit matches from season to season can be suspended from the league for a determined period of time.
4. Your team will not be allowed to participate in City or receive any bonuses if you have a combined total of two matches not played or forfeited i.e. if your team is in 1st place, but you have two missing or forfeited matches as of the conclusion of the league, you will forfeit your Championship and any benefits that may include. For each forfeited or missing match, teams will have their league dues from the night in question subtracted from their payback, as well as a penalty. It is extremely important to makeup missing matches and to avoid forfeits at all costs; the league is much more fair if everyone plays their matches. Anyone forfeiting the final week of the league will not be allowed to participate in the City tournament plus they will also forfeit their payback along with a 100 point deduction from their Ultimate Qualifier points & be immediately suspended from earning additional Ultimate Qualifier points for a period no less than 60 days. Canceling a match in mid-play & giving the remaining games to your opponents will be handled the same as a forfeiture in terms of penalty.
5. Your team WILL be dropped from the league and scores adjusted (forfeiting all payback) if you have 2 or more matches not played at the conclusion of the league, this is a combined total of forfeits and/or not played during the season. Don't sign up for a league that you cannot honor your commitment. New Fall 2019: Being dropped from a league or dropping from a league results in ineligibility to earn UQ points in any tournaments utilizing league software or otherwise (i.e. Remote, EQ LOD, Capped tourneys, UQ Finale, etc.) for a period of 90 days. Once a team drops out of a league, if their spot in the league is taken over & finished by someone else, the player(s) taking over the spot will be awarded the payback earned by that team in entirety, plus the 50 UQ pts signup bonus & will have the ability to play in the City Championship. This is a reward to those players allowing the league to be completed without additional byes, etc.
6. If the team is not connected to the league match following the 10 minute grace period, the following steps A-D listed below MUST be followed to receive the forfeit!!!
7. Any player finishing a league with 4 or more total missing or forfeited matches will be on a probationary suspension from the league for the upcoming season (This includes dropping out of a league).This player will be allowed to be on a team roster, but will NOT be allowed to serve as a team Captain or contact for the season. This player will not be allowed to play in any league-sanctioned event for the duration of that time i.e. Colorado State, Heartland Dart Championships, Ultimate Finale or any equalized LOD's or BYP tournaments utilizing league software. While this penalty may seem severe, forfeits, missing matches & drop outs are disrespectful to everyone in the league, take away from the enjoyment of everyone and make for additional paperwork for the league coordinator and accountant. (UPDATED: 5/1/17)
8. For each missing league match at the conclusion of the season, each player will have league dues for the match deducted from payback; as well as a penalty of $2.50/player, from each player involved in the match, that will be added to the Ultimate Qualifier Finale pot. Missing matches should be avoided at all costs; as it has a negative effect on the league standings...therefor could effect other teams as well.
9. Any team who is missing a league match at the conclusion of the season CANNOT be declared the League Champion, if a sweep in the match would have altered their place in the standings. It is highly important to make sure all matches are played to insure that the true League Champion is crowned and not earned strictly upon missing matches that could've ended up equaling losses that altered the final standings. The exception to this rule is if team can provide screen shots of multiple attempts to make contact with opponent and makeup match with no communication or help from opponent. In this instance, the match will remain not played & win% will be used for League Champion.
10. Any team being dropped from a league, whether that be from voluntarily dropping, forfeiting, missing matches, etc. will not have that league's games counted towards sanctioning or eligibility for NDA events i.e. Team Dart, Regionals, Juniors, etc.
A) Call the bar of the team that is not present and inquire. *Captains without a current phone number listed on the league website can not forfeit a team. Facebook, although many times useful, is NOT an official form of contact as there are quite a few players who don't check their social media regularly. If your contact info is not up to date, please contact the league coordinator to update.
B) Call the phone number listed for the Captain of the opposing team and inquire. Perhaps they are having board or internet issues.
C) The team taking the forfeit should follow these steps to take a forfeit:
1. League Menu
2. Play League
3. Select your team as Home
4. Put in your league dues
5. Select your team again as Away
6. Confirm Forfeit
D) Email, Text or private message League Coordinator to inform them of the forfeit. Include your team name and the opponent's team name.
6. Forfeits may only be taken on the night a match is scheduled. Failure to do so is considered an agreement to reschedule. EXCEPTION: If a reschedule time is agreed upon and one team does not show up, a forfeit may be taken. Also, if the team requesting the forfeit refuses to find a time that works for the opponent who was ready to play the originally scheduled match time, a forfeit can be pressed in lieu of the reschedule. This is the only time other than the originally schedule match that a forfeit may be taken.
7. Please keep in mind Captains that many times a forfeit can be avoided by practicing good communication. Upon agreeing to reschedule a match, it is the responsibility of both teams to communicate and work together. The team requesting a reschedule must work around the other team's schedule for the makeup, but both sides must try to find a time that works for both. Forfeits can NOT be taken if the Captain taking the forfeit has not attempted to contact the other team prior to performing the forfeit. Doing so will result in a reverse of the decision and that team losing the games as it is unsportsmanlike conduct. Reschedules & Forfeits should be an absolute last resort, once any & all efforts to find a substitute player for the match have been exhausted.
8. Forfeits in the final two weeks of scheduled league play - A forfeit in the final two weeks of league play will NOT be allowed to determine a League Champion. If a team finishes in 1st place and took a forfeit in the final two weeks of the league, the League Champion will be determined by winning percentage...not counting that forfeit. If a team just doesn't show up to play or makes no attempt to contact, the offending team will be docked $15/player from their payback. Each player of offending team will also have 50 points deducted from their UQ points. As always, all rulings are finalized by the League Coordinator. Emergency situations and/or extreme weather conditions will be excluded. **Repeat offenders (missing or forfeiting matches throughout the season) may still be subject to removal from league and forfeiture of payback. Those types of teams take a lot of fun out of the leagues and should have consequences.
9. If a no call - no show occurs on the final night of league, the League Champion for that division will be decided based upon the teams' winning percentage. The team which no call - no showed is ineligible to win the League Championship and will still have the previously stated $15 penalty + expected league dues from the match docked from their payback.
10. Any team which forfeits a match will have 50 points deducted from their Ultimate Qualifier point total for each occurrence. Any team with an unplayed match will have 50 points deducted from their Ultimate Qualifier point total for each occurrence (Team who couldn't make regularly scheduled match) . Any team dropping from a league will have 100 points deducted from their Ultimate Qualifier point total + their sign up bonus. New Fall 2019: Being dropped from a league or dropping from a league results in ineligibility to participate in any tournaments utilizing league software (i.e. Remote, EQ LOD, Capped tourneys, UQ Finale, etc.) for a period of 90 days. 2nd offense is ineligibility to participate in any tournaments/leagues, etc. utilizing league software for a period of no less than 180 days and said player will not be allowed to act as Captain of a team.
11. Any player signing up for a league and then "dropping out", even if it's prior to the league starting will be penalized as a drop out ... 150 points deducted from UQ rankings + 30 day suspension. Dropping from 2 leagues after signing up will result in a minimum 90 day suspension ... 3 or more leagues = 180 day supsension. This practice could not only cost the bar a filled spot for a league i.e customers for an evening, but it may also force players to play at a different bar if they were told the position was filled when they attempted to sign up. Do NOT commit to playing a league if you are not completely confident that you can do so.
For each missing or forfeited match a team has, the players on said team (unable to make regularly scheduled match) will have points deducted from their Ultimate Qualifier points. The majority of players sign up for leagues based upon their availability and many are unable to play other days or times...please be respectful and do everything in your power to find a substitute if you're unable to play a match.
Board Issues:
1. Board No Longer Counting Any Darts - This issue has arisen only a couple times in the years since remote leagues have started. If you notice mid-match that all of a sudden none of your darts are counting, simply unplug your dartboard for 30 seconds...plug it back in and resume the league match. This fix has had a 100% success rate.
2. Match Suspension - Due to weather, electrical, internet issues, etc power to the dart boards may be lost during match
play. When this occurs and the power is lost to one dart board, the other team will receive a message stating that match
play has been interrupted. The team will then be prompted to “resume match” or “suspend match”. Please contact the
other team to confer with them before answering the dartboard prompt. Should both teams decide to continue play, please
select “resume match” and should both teams decide to reschedule the match simply select “suspend match” until you’ve
reached an agreeable date to resume.
Once the teams involved in a suspended match decide to continue, at least one team must play on the original dart board
from the malfunctioned match. Each team will choose themselves as the appropriate home / away team and the dart board
will recognize the match as being suspended. The dart board will prompt to answer if the match was suspended, do you
wish to resume? Both teams say yes and the program will take you back into the match at the point of suspension. It will
recognize the match as being paid and will not require league fees again.
NOTE: Manually initiating a “match suspension” will require interrupting power to the dart board for a few minutes in
3. Remote Camera Malfunctions… per Arachnid - the only time the remote camera function is not working is when the
locations internet upload speed is not fast enough. Each G3 dart board should have a MINIMUM of 3mb of
Download/Upload speed. For example – 1 board = 3mb down/3mb up, 3 boards = 9mb down/9mb up, etc.** So most times when a camera is blinking or goes black mid-match, it is because of a drop in internet speed...not an actual malfunction of equipment. If this tends to be an ongoing issue at your sponsoring location, perhaps request that the location contact their internet provider about increasing their internet speed.
4. NO Camera Detected - This for whatever reason happens from time to time in Arachnid's system boot up. The machine will not recognize the camera, so upon attempting to connect to remote play the machine will display this message. Generally if you pull the plug on the dartboard for 30 seconds and then plug it back in, the problem will be gone and play can resume as normal.
5. Shooting On A Teammates Turn - When a player throws while the machine is displaying the name of the player’s partner: A) If caught soon enough, contact the other team and back up the game to allow the correct player to throw. Or B) if not caught soon enough, that team loses the next players turn in line. They will push the player change button after the correct player as identified by the game.
6. If a dart is accidentally score, pause the game & contact the opponent to have them back the board up. If a dart doesn't count, you may pause the game and contact the opponent. It is the opponent's option whether to allow it to be tapped or not. Once the next turn has been thrown, the issue is in the past and it's assumed to have been accepted and play resumed. Do NOT complain about something after play has been resumed. If game is paused & contact is made, but opponent refuses to back up dart, continue play but contact the league coordinator to notify them of incident so it can be reviewed. Once it's confirmed via camera footage, the game will be awarded to the team who didn't manually score a dart. If a board is not registering multiple darts, have the bar contact the tech number ASAP to have it repaired.
7. League Coordinator should be available to receive calls/messages until 10pm. After that time, please use proper communication with your opponent and if that's not possible or there's a protest and you absolutely cannot complete the match ... Suspend the match to be played at a later date. League Coordinator should be available between the hours of 9am - 10pm most days.
Good Sportsmanship/Dart Etiquette
1. Player Etiquette & Good Sportsmanship…Players are required to conduct themselves in a positive manner at all times.
Misguided competitiveness is not an excuse! Drinking is not an excuse! Please be especially considerate because the
match is played remotely which in and of itself can create extra concerns, uncertainties and or potential for adding
unwanted stress. Work with the other team to resolve a problem as quickly and reasonably as possible.
• Be prepared to throw when it’s your turn. Do NOT delay the match for any reason...your time is not more valuable than your opponents.
• Throwing practice darts during your opponent’s turn is considered poor darting etiquette. If you are asked to
discontinue this by the opposing team, please do so immediately. The same goes for waving your hands or purposely trying to distract your opponent through the camera. If you fail to comply and the opponent reports the issue, you are subject to penalties.
Vulgar/Hateful Gestures into camera towards opponents - Remember players, you not only represent our league, but also the location which is sponsoring you. If your opponent reports your team for such gestures, including but not limited to flipping them off, holding up signs, sexual gestures, etc than your team will face penalties. 1st offense may be a $5/player fine from your team's payback. Additional offenses may cause your team to incur more financial penalties or possible removal from league.
Please refrain from posting any hateful or negative comments on the league's social media pages. Whether they are about a player, team, location, etc. no real good can result from public negativity. Any posts will be removed by admin and repeat offenders may be removed from the group. In an age of cyber-bullying and "keyboard warriors", social media posts have gotten a bit out of hand when dealing with a grievance. Instead of putting someone on "blast", perhaps contact them personally to resolve the matter as adults. If the issue is something that is a league infraction or needs to be addressed by the league, please contact the league coordinator privately. If you have a grievance with the league or issues with how something was handled, rules, handicapping, etc. don't post the issue on social media, instead act like an adult and private message the league coordinator so whatever the issue is can be explained and resolved.
All rules are meant to help provide a more enjoyable experience for all darters. Please never use any rule out of the context for which it was written, in doing so you may be causing more problems than the rule was originally meant to help solve or prevent. Never allow misplaced competitiveness to over shadow the real purpose of dart league, which is to have FUN. Common sense and good sportsmanship will always solve a problem if you will allow it. THROW DARTS, RELAX AND HAVE FUN!!!!
**All penalties incurred throughout league are added to the Ultimate Qualifier Finale pot, so they are also going back to the players.
Junior/Youth Leagues
1. Substitute for the youth player MUST be another youth player and still be under the division cap.
2. Junior players are required to throw from the regulation throw line. There is no minimum age to begin playing leagues, they just have to be able to finish a whole match while throwing from the regulation throw line.
Junior Player Starting Averages:
< 9 years old --- 0.9 & 12.0
9 - 10 years old --- 1.0 & 13.0
11 - 12 --- 1.3 & 14.0
13 - 14 --- 1.4 & 15.0
15 - 17 --- 1.5 & 16.0
18 - 20 --- 1.7 & 17.0
1. Email, Text or Private message the League Coordinator with details on the situation or you may call the following morning at (402) 350-4125. Complete the match, even if you feel a team is illegal. Don't get mad at the other team or allow it to throw you off of your game. Most protests are the result of a misunderstanding or miscommunication and can be resolved. League Coordinator should be available to receive calls/messages until 10pm. After that time, please use proper communication with your opponent and if that's not possible or there's a protest and you absolutely cannot complete the match ... Suspend the match to be played at a later date. League Coordinator should be available between the hours of 9am - 10pm most days.
2. Write yourself a note while it's still fresh, so when the league coordinator contacts you about your protest you remember all of your basis for protesting.
3. A protest MUST be made the night of or the morning immediately following the match to the league coordinator.
4. Protests are handled by the League Coordinator and/or a board of peers and all decisions final.
5. If there is any correspondence between teams, players, etc that may help with resolution of the issue...please screen shot and send them with your protest.
City Tournament Schedule:
1. City tournaments for league will not start before the league has concluded. Information will be available at the Greater Omaha Leagues website www.greateromahaleagues.com
2. Players can only shoot on one team at a City tournament. Two teams may combine to form one team at City tournament if both of their partners are unable to participate and the player they are replacing is an equal or higher average than the substitute.
3. New Fall 2018: League Champion T-Shirts WILL NO LONGER be awarded to players winning the league. Instead, League Champions will earn bonus cash payout for the accomplishment. This is a change that was deemed necessary following several seasons of unclaimed shirts laying in the office and eventually being disposed of. It was a waste of player money as the costs of shirts was taken from dues collected prior to payback.
4. Payback check amounts are figured based on a teams wins/losses, League Champions will be determined by the team with the most wins at the end of the league. So it is imperative that your team play all of your matches or it will adversely effect your ranking. 80% of the payout goes to wins, 20% to losses, so the more your team wins ... the higher your payout at the end of the season. Fall 2018: League Champions will begin receiving Championship Bonuses for accomplishing the feat ... that means additional money on your payout for your team!
5. Substitutes at City Tournaments: A substitute can either be a player who has played with your team during the season or MUST be the same average as the person they are replacing or lower. Sub must have played a Greater Omaha League within the previous 12 months & have an established average. NEW AMMENDMENT FALL 2018: (Player that subbed for your team must have played a minimum of 33% of the season to qualify for City tournament, otherwise alternate sub rules apply). Example: 15 week season, sub must have played a minimum of 5 weeks on your team to be utilized for City tournament. If less than 33%, that sub must fall under alternate sub rules and have an average equal to or lower than the player they are replacing. You will NOT be allowed to participate in City tournament with an illegal substitute, so make sure your sub is eligible. The easiest way to do so is to get them pre-approved by the league coordinator.
6. NEW WINTER 2023: Any player who has a "known ability" or tournament average drastically exceeding that of his league average will have the higher average assigned for the City tournament. This will keep players on teams with no chance to win the league from purposely dropping average to gain an advantage at the City tournament.
7. Any subs that also play for other vendors or PPD leagues. Their "Best Known Stats" will be factored in when determining eligibility, so make sure you check both the other vendors stats as well as the TOC website to confirm.
City Tournaments' format: Race to 3, Double Elimination ... Cork for "Home" team, loser starts games 2-4 and Cork again for game 5 start. Game 1 & Game 5 are the only games that player order can be altered. In games 2-4, players must remain as listed on board. In "Mixed Leagues", the FEMALE player must always remain in roster spot #1.
Captain of winning team must report result of match immediately following conclusion of match. If a period of more than 15 minutes passes without a match report, outcome of match may be reversed or other consequences. It's important to report immediately and practice good communication or you cause the tournament to slow for everyone else.
1st & 2nd place teams win money payout at City tournaments.
A City tournament MUST have a minimum of more than 4 teams participating to be hosted. City tournaments may have multiple divisions if there are 12 or more teams participating. Divisions for City tournaments are figured just like league divisions; based upon a team's combined average. If a City is scheduled to have multiple divisions & teams decline to participate: If 2 levels & 1 level doesn't have enough teams participating to host ... the effected level will be absorbed into the other making one larger tournament. If 3 or more levels: If it's the lowest level, it will be absorbed into the level above it ... if it's the middle level, it will be evenly split between the higher & lower levels. We will do whatever possible to make sure everyone who wants to play in a City tournament has the opportunity to do so.
Any team confirming participation in a City tournament and then not playing (unless due to emergency) after brackets have been built, will have a penalty of 100 UQ points deducted, 30 suspension from remote tournaments & $10 deducted from payback. Same penalty goes for a team leaving prior to conclusion of City tourney (unless due to emergency). This can cause an imbalance of the bracket and potentially alter results for the other teams.
Ultimate Qualifier Series:
No longer (As of 2016) will events be limited to those that are scheduled by a Greater Omaha Leagues representative and have to work around the other events on the schedule. All Greater Omaha League locations are encouraged to host qualifier tournaments for their regular area dart players to earn points. All that is required of the location and/or their representative is:
A) Provide Greater Omaha Leagues representative Steve Garrean Jr a minimum of three (3) weeks notice prior to an event date so it can be added to the qualifier event schedule on the league website. Also provide all details of the event, start time, format, entry fee, prize money added, etc. This way we can properly promote the events and any players outside of the locations' area have the choice to travel for additional points. Format is subject to change based upon the location, number of players, etc. However, if a tournament is scheduled and promoted as equalized or capped, it must remain that way to eligible for Qualifier points.
B) Email, private message or post to Facebook the completed bracket of the tournament with the player signup list (complete with first & last names) so that points can be properly awarded. Also please note the payouts for the tournament on the bracket. This MUST be turned in within 24 hours of the tournament or the tournament will not count towards the qualifier. This is to insure timely updates of the rankings. If at all possible, utilizing an online software such as Challonge.com and providing the league coordinator the link are the easiest and most simple ways to handle the situation.
C) Tournaments must have a minimum of four (4) teams / singles to earn qualifier points. Any play format is at the discretion of the hosting location.
As previously mentioned, we would like to see the majority of these tournaments hosted for and promoted to your regular players, but we at Greater Omaha Leagues will also do our best to help promote each event to players interested in traveling as well. People playing in these tournaments do not need to be league players, but as always there is a minimum eligibility requirement of league games for anyone attempting to qualify for the finale event. Locations are encouraged to get there regular, non-dart players involved in events as well...every one of us were non-dart players prior to getting into the sport.
As usual, Greater Omaha Leagues may assign certain tournaments as Double or Triple point-earning events, depending upon size, charity status, remote tournament or amount of prize money added to the event at their discretion.
Players can access tournament schedule on the league website www.greateromahaleagues.com
**Any players who drop out of league will have their points for league signup deducted from their amount + a penalty of 100 points. Each time a match is forfeited, both players of the forfeiting team will have 50 points deducted from the qualifier rankings. Also, players missing matches at the conclusion of the season will have 25 points deducted from the qualifier rankings for each offense (All players involved in the match...it is extremely important to play all scheduled matches). Only exception to this missing matches deduction is if it occurs on final week of play due to emergency or other league-approved reason.
**Any players dropping out of multiple leagues will not be able to compete in the Ultimate Qualifier Finale event. The player will also be unable to participate in any events utilizing league software or sanctioned events for 90 days. This is on top of the league rule where any player dropping out of a league is not eligible to be a team Captain for one calendar year.
***Anyone who leaves in the middle of a Qualifier tournament for any reason other than an emergency will forfeit all points earned for the event. The 2nd occurrence will result in a 50 point deduction and each additional occurrence will result in a 50 point deduction.
These rules may have been updated...please visit the Ultimate Qualifier page on this website for the most current information regarding the series.
Criteria for Finale Tournament Eligibility:
A) Players must have played a minimum of 250 games in Greater Omaha Leagues (Traditional, TOC, In-House), with a minimum of 100 coming from traditional leagues and/or GO Remote tourneys (Remote leagues & tourneys offered by Greater Omaha Leagues). So it is important that you play at least two, possibly three Greater Omaha Leagues in the qualifier year in order to meet requirements. Players keep track of this and make sure you have enough league games...if you do not, it won't matter how many points you earn throughout the year. The finale tournament is Hi-Lo format and averages used for that format will be an average of your prior year's games of both league & city tournament play. Games played in TOC leagues/tourneys will also be factored into this average. If a player has played in a competitor's league and out performed his Greater Omaha average, that league average will be factored into his finale average as well. We want this to be as competitive as possible.
*If a PayPal entry requires refund, it will be refunded MINUS the fees that PayPal collected OR the player has the option to keep the entry as a credit towards a future tournament entry.
Greater Omaha League rules do NOT supersede bar rules or state laws.
Greater Omaha Leagues
609 N. 108th Cir
Omaha, Nebraska 68154
[email protected]
Greater Omaha Leagues sponsor dart leagues playing on Arachnid's Galaxy 3 dartboards in a tavern setting. League play cricket, “01” and combinations of the two. Players are only allowed to use plastic tip darts not exceeding 8 inches in length and up to 20 grams in weight. Players shoot from a “player's box”; extending from the throw line back 3' and approximately 1' to each side. Leaving this area is an indication that the player's turn is over. A player must remain behind the foul like until all 3 darts have been thrown. A player's turn consists of three darts, but all three do not have to be thrown to complete a turn. A dart thrown counts as part of that player's turn and cannot be thrown again if it misses or bounces out. A dropped dart is not a thrown dart and may be picked up and thrown as long as the player does not have to cross the throw line to retrieve it. Darts on the board will not be touched until a player's turn is over; with the exception that a dart is causing a stuck segment. That dart may be removed carefully in an effort to not mis-score anything.
“01” games begin with 301, 501 or 701 (Unless equalized) with the player attempting to hit a combination of total points to bring the score down to zero. A player's partner's score must be equal to or less than the combined opponents scores or a block occurs (Freeze Rule). An out while blocked results in a loss of the game. Most “01” games are played using a single bull, where both the inside circle (Double Bull) and the outside circle count as 50 points, the exception is for double in/double out games...where the outer circle is 25 points and the inner bull is worth 50 points. The only exception to this is in reverse handicapping, the higher rated player will have additional points added onto their score.
In the game of cricket, the player/team attempts to close the 20s, 19s, 18s, 17s, 16s, 15s and bulls by hitting three of each. Points are obtained by hitting a number that is only closed by your team. When both teams have closed a number, it will no longer allow for points to be scored. The first team to close all numbers and have more points is the winner. Cricket is always played using the double bull. Pay attention if your league or tournament has a round limit, reaching the round limit will award the victory to the team with the most points; regardless of how many numbers you have closed.
Players not in compliance with the rules are said to have committed a foul. During league play there is no official to make foul calls. Since many foul calls are judgements, players should calmly discuss perceived infractions and attempt to resolve them in a civilized manner. If unable to do so, play should continue and a complaint made to the League Coordinator the next day – no disagreement is worth fighting and it will not be tolerated.
Committing a foul may lead to loss of darts in hand, loss of a turn, loss of a game, loss of a match or expulsion from the tavern, the league or any associated sponsored events. This decision is made by the League Coordinator or a board setup by the Coordinator.
A Partial List of Common Fouls
1. Player crosses the throw line with his foot while throwing. If this is a continued pattern throughout the match, report it to your league coordinator via email, text or private message so he can review the footage. Please provide the game that the infraction(s) occur so the entire match does not need reviewed. Discipline may include a loss of game(s) or further reprimand, but the coordinator will contact the offender to make them aware of their foul. If player steps over the line as part of their throw, the dart must leave their hand prior to their foot hitting the floor. In-Person tournaments --- 1st offense is a warning; make sure tournament coordinator is notified so they can watch. 2nd offense, back up dart so it doesn't count (no rethrow allowed). 3rd offense, loss of dart + loss of next turn. 4th offense is forfeiture of game.
2. If a player throws out of turn, the backup button may be used to correct the problem. If the game continues without correction and a complaint is filed with the league coordinator, the team whose player shot out of turn will lose the game by disqualification. It is always the players responsibility to watch the board and shoot only when it's their turn.
3. Manually scored darts are treated the same – if possible, the back up button is used to return the game to the correct point and play proceeds as normal. Again, it is the incoming player's responsibility to watch the board.
4. Kabitzing – making noises, motions or gestures that is distracting to your opponent while they are attempting their turn. Common infractions are coughing, whistling, comments, rubbing darts together, etc. Upon first noticing, let the opponent know that it is distracting and to kindly refrain. The continued use of these tactics is deemed unsportsmanlike conduct and should be reported to your league coordinator so the offender can be warned. These are more an issue in the "travel" leagues, where teams are both present.
5. Abuse of the equipment will not be tolerated and may result in expulsion from the match or league as well as monetary reparations to repair the damage done. If the board resets during a game as a result of abuse, it is an automatic loss of the entire match. If a board resets due to power failure or interruption, play should resume at that point when the board comes back on.
6. Poor sportsmanship or unethical conduct will be judged by the league coordinator or a chosen board of peers and may result in suspension or expulsion. Physical contact between players will not be tolerated. Violators determined to have been fighting or causing a fight will be suspended for a minimum of a season.
7. ALL decisions made by the league coordinator or board of peers will be final.
8. Sandbagging – Anyone caught sandbagging (purposely throwing off to lower average, i.e. throwing at #s that don't count, throwing from outside the shooter's box, throwing opposite handed unless injured, throwing underhanded, attempting "trick shots", etc.) will have their games reviewed and corrections made. 1st Offense: Player will have a floor attached to their average for a period of 90 days, in which their average can not go lower than their starting average. Other actions may include not being able to play in a City tournament or any other equalized or capped tournaments... if occurrences continue, other actions taken may include suspension from the league or even expulsion from the league.
** Before you make an accusation about sandbagging ... re-read rule 8. Someone throwing over their average is NOT sandbagging, it's actually quite the opposite. Also remember, we now track & utilize tournament averages for players. Long gone are the days of shooting poorly in league & using that average in all of your tournaments to win.
9. Anyone leaving in the middle of a match, will be considered a forfeiture. The player will a) forfeit all games in the match b) lose 50 UQ pts for the forfeit and c) be suspended for a period of no less than 30 days. A 2nd offense in the same season will result in the player being removed from the league and all of the penalties that come with that.
1. In league play "the board is always right" except when the dart doesn't register as having been thrown and is sticking in the board (and isn't the 1st dart thrown – as it's not always possible to determine if the dart was thrown before the board finished changing players) or if the dart is sticking in the board and is the winning dart. In these instances team Captains should confer and make a decision. In remote leagues, if a dart is stuck and doesn't count as anything, you may manually count it, but you MUST immediately pause the game & contact your opponent and let them know that's what happened so they don't report you for cheating. Do NOT remove your darts from the board, so the opponent has the chance to look closely at the screen for their own peace of mind. If you remove your darts, your round is over and play resumes. If upon examination, the opponent still disagrees on your dart being in the segment, "the board doesn't lie" rule applies. Everyone remain as honest as possible...after all, it's a game and supposed to be fun first and foremost.
2. A thrown dart that bounces off the board CANNOT be rethrown, regardless of whether it registered on the board. The thrower is responsible for manually pressing the player change button if one or more darts don't register. Do so BEFORE removing your other darts, as to not accidentally manually score anything.
3. A dart thrown before the player's turn is considered a thrown dart and may not be thrown again or manually scored.
Player Skill Ratings
Greater Omaha Leagues uses PPD (points per dart) and MPR (marks per round) to rank our players. PPD is used in “01” games and is the total points per round divided by the number of darts thrown. MPR is used in cricket and is the total number of marks scored divided by the total number of rounds thrown. A player needs to play in at least 12 league games in a season to establish an average. A player participating in multiple leagues or divisions will be given an overall average based upon all leagues combined. A new player coming into the leagues will be assigned a MPR of 1.9 and a PPD of 17.0 if male and a MPR of 1.7 and a PPD of 16.0 if female. If a player has an established MPR, multiply by 10 to get starting PPD.
Any leagues that feature multiple divisions will use the teams' combined averages to determine which division they fall into. If a team lists subs when signing up, their averages will be factored into which division the team is placed. The combined team average will be determined by the players with the highest averages.
Greater Omaha Leagues uses an “anti-sandbagging” rule, in which players' averages cannot be lowered for the first three weeks of that team's season. A player can only raise their average for the first three weeks so their average for those weeks will never be lower than what they began the season with. If a team has a BYE or has a match not played during its first three weeks of the season, the rule will be extended until the team has completed three matches. Update 1/1/17: In addition to the aforementioned "anti-sandbagging" rule, Greater Omaha Leagues has included the following to safeguard from this offense...league stats are pulled a few weeks prior to the ending of the league & rechecked at the conclusion of the league, any player improving has their average updated. Update 1/1/20: Again along the lines of sandbagging, any player who publicly states that they may be sandbagging or planning to sandbag will have their average frozen as "known ability" indefinitely. That player will be able to increase their average, but no longer able to lower it due to the aforementioned potential intent to sandbag.
Match Times
Updated 1/18/18: Match times are at 1:00pm, 4:00pm, 7:00pm or 7:30pm (real time). Players have a 10 minute grace period, but this is NOT to be abused. Abuse is defined as a team regularly logging into or starting the league match 10 minutes or later past the scheduled start time. Matches should start during this time or they are subject to forfeiture. Rescheduling a match requires a minimum 4 hour notice (2 hours if due to inclement weather). In cases of severe weather, the League Coordinator can waive the ability to take a forfeit and advise the teams to play at their own risk. The League Coordinator should be notified of forfeits or rescheduled matches via text, email or private message. In the case of an emergency, immediate contact should be made with opponent, letting them know what happened. A forfeit will not be allowed if an emergency occurred and prompt communication was made ... again COMMUNICATION IS KEY! Make up matches should be made up within the following 4 weeks, unless teams agree to play a double header on their next scheduled night. For a makeup match, both teams MUST play at their regularly scheduled home location (or location of original match in travel leagues), as the locations pay a sponsor fee and have expectations that you will be there. Make up matches are NOT allowed past the last night of league, unless otherwise stated. Anyone found not playing at their sponsoring "home" bar will have the sponsor fee that the bar paid deducted from their team's payback and reimbursed to that location.
Adult/Youth Doubles --- 1pm Start Time
Doubles CR --- 4pm Start Time
Doubles 01/CR --- 7:30pm Start Time
Mixed Trips --- 7:30pm Start Time
Open/EQ Singles --- 7pm Start Time
Team CR --- 7:30pm Start Time
We all know those teams that have the "win at all cost" mentality. Please don't be "that team" who is constantly trying to get a forfeit instead of playing the match. If a team is communicating with you and having issues, internet or board problems, etc...don't try to guilt them into giving up a forfeit just so your team improves in the standings. Yes this is a competition, but we are all a "dart family" and can play with sportsmanship and understanding. That being said, if there is an internet or dartboard issue and the match cannot be played, a forfeit is not an option. This is out of the players' hands and the match will need to be rescheduled or remain as a match unplayed.
New Grace Period Rules: (Begins Winter 2018)
If you feel a team is abusive of the grace period given for start times, please report them to the league coordinator. The league coordinator can go into the league the next morning and view the time stamps that matches are started. Any team found abusing the start time grace period (As outlined above), will incur penalties.
1) If you are having a board issue, internet issue or an emergency, please communicate with the other team & notify the league coordinator as well so it is documented. Immediately call the issue into the on-call tech line (402) 493-5600. Leave a message and the on-call tech will be paged out and come out to the location ASAP. The teams involved have the option to wait for the tech or make arrangements to play the match another day.
2) A partner being late or not arriving on time is not means to start late...if this is the case, the match is to begin and the team with a missing player should skip the missing player's turn until they arrive. This of course is unless the opponent gives additional time for the teammate to arrive.
3) Running late is not a reason, it's an excuse. Everyone is aware that league is to begin at the scheduled time and should arrive at least a few minutes prior so they are insured to be ready to play on time. Please remember, your time is no more valuable than that of your opponent...please show respect.
4) Any team found abusing the grace period will incur the following penalties:
a) First occurrence is a warning to be respectful of opponent
b) Second occurrence is a final warning
c) After the Third occurrence, the team will be fined a deduction of $3.00 from payback for each, as well as 15 points from each player's Ultimate Qualifier rankings.
Abuse of the start time has been an ongoing issue and is no longer going to be tolerated. Everyone who signs up for a league, knows what time it starts, what time they should arrive and be ready to play. Please be respectful to your fellow players and the league will be much more fun for everyone.
Rescheduled matches are an annoyance and can often times be avoided by finding a substitute for the evening. Many times, you can post in the Facebook league group that a sub is needed and other players will be more than willing to help if at all possible. If a sub is not possible: The team needing to reschedule MUST make appropriate contact (phone call, text, PM). Once a reschedule is agreed upon, the team who needed to reschedule the match are expected to make themselves available according to the opposing team's schedule. If the team needing to reschedule cannot make themselves available for the reschedule, the forfeit can still be taken up to and prior to the final night of league. If the team agreeing to reschedule cannot find a time that works for both teams, the match will remain as unplayed. The team that requested the reschedule CANNOT take a forfeit on the other team unless a set time is agreed upon and the opposing team doesn't show up or cancels the makeup at the last minute, without following the notification guidelines. Remember FINDING A SUBSTITUTE is the league's recommended action whenever possible, as everyone signed up for this league specifically because it worked with their schedule and may be the only time they are available to play. Please communicate and work together like adults...NO ONE likes rescheduling, NO ONE like forfeits...many times proper communication can avoid these occurrences.
After a match starts, play will continue in a timely manner, with team members prepared to throw when it's their turn. Failure to do so can be deemed as unsportsmanlike conduct. Contact the offending team and remind them of this rule and if the issue persists, the issue may be reported to the League Coordinator for disciplinary action such as loss of game(s).
League rules apply to approximately 15 minutes after the match has ended.
Captains may agree to change starting times for rescheduling of match. This is also binding and the rules still apply.
All regularly & rescheduled matches MUST be played at original sponsoring location (unless okayed by home bar or bar is not open at reschedule time). If a match is played at an alternate location from sponsoring home bar, your team's sponsor fees will be deducted from your payback and reimbursed to your sponsor bar. Each home bar pays a sponsor fee for your team, which they earn back through your coin drop throughout the season. Basically they are investing in your team and expect that in return you are in their bar to play your matches.
Captains' Responsibilities
1. Know the rules, read material posted on the league website and/or league Facebook page and group. Please introduce yourself to your home bar owner and build a relationship so you can better work together. You would be surprised at the partnership that can be built between the location and a team when you are cordial and build a relationship. This may even lead to the possibility of the bar sponsoring you for future tournaments and helping offset some of those costs. Act like a responsible adult...nothing can create more issues within a league than someone creating issues.
2. If your machine does not have league info on it, call (402) 350-4125 immediately.
3. Collect your teams' money – Dues and cost of games vary depending upon league, but most range around $8-10.
4. Notify the opposing team Captain and make arrangements for rescheduling of the match at least 4 hours prior to match time. The earlier you can notify of the necessity to reschedule the better. Please refer back to the above rules surrounding reschedules...if at all possible, find a substitute(s) for your match so it can be played as scheduled. Trust...it's much easier to find a substitute than find a time that mutually works among all players. Many people signup for leagues when their schedules allow and aren't available for other times. Reschedules should be a LAST RESORT, once all other efforts have been exhausted. If you know that you will be unable to play a specific date weeks in advance, please consider contacting that team to play the match ahead of schedule. This practice is much better for everyone in your league, as far as keeping track of standings. I.E. Anyone planning to attend NDA Team Dart, TOC, etc. and knowing they will miss specific matches, contact the opponent a few weeks ahead of that and play the match early. It's so much less stressful than scrambling to squeeze in makeup matches as the season ends.
Team Captains without a phone number listed on the league website cannot forfeit a team not showing up, because they may have had no way to contact them. Facebook, although many times useful, is NOT an official form of contact as there are quite a few players who don't check their social media regularly. Phone calls are the best option for communication, because you know for sure that contact was made. If you notice your contact # is wrong, please contact league coordinator to update.
No matches can be rescheduled for past the last night of scheduled league, unless an extension has been given by the league coordinator. Extensions may be given due to emergencies, technical issues, etc.
5. Any teams not paying all money due to league, will have money due subtracted from their payback. If payback doesn't cover money due, that team will not be able to participate in their City tournament or receive any earned bonuses, etc.
6. Shooting under any name other than full first and last name will cost your team games for the match. Make sure if using a substitute player, you type in their full first and last name so stats can be kept and sanctioning be updated. If utilizing a last minute substitute and typing them in at the board, make sure you also add their handicap averages (highlight their name on roster page and tap bull to edit average). Make sure you are using their current average as listed on the league website or if they only have an average from another league system, use that average.
7. In the instance of a tie at season's end, the tie breaker will be the teams' win-loss record against each other throughout the season. If the teams still find themselves as a tie, a one match playoff can be played to determine the Champion.
8. If a Junior (under 21 years old) is being used, it is the Captain's responsibility to contact the bar where they play their match and obtain permission for the minor to participate.
9. The Captain should arrange the “bar round” if the host bar is serving them. A bar is NOT required to serve a bar round and the bar rules will be the final arbiter. If the host bar offers a “bar round”, it MUST be the same thing you have been drinking throughout the night. Remember, this is a gift of appreciation, not a requirement. A bar may require a minimum purchase in order to receive a bar round, such as a player being required to purchase two drinks in order to receive his complimentary drink.
10. All rescheduled matches MUST be played at original sponsoring location (unless okayed by home bar or bar is not open at reschedule time). If a match is played at an alternate location from sponsoring home bar, your team's sponsor fees will be deducted from your payback and reimbursed to your sponsor bar. Each home bar pays a sponsor fee for your team, which they earn back through your coin drop throughout the season. Basically they are investing in your team and expect that in return you are in their bar to play your matches.
11. Any team who is missing a league match at the conclusion of the season CANNOT be declared the League Champion, IF a sweep in the the match could have altered their final standings. It is highly important to make sure all matches are played to insure that the true League Champion is crowned and not earned strictly upon missing matches that could've ended up equaling losses that altered the final standings. The exception to this rule is if team can provide screen shots of multiple attempts to make contact with opponent and makeup match with no communication or help from opponent. In this instance, the match will remain not played & win% will be used for League Champion.
12. League Champions receive a cash bonus added onto their payback.
Players' Responsibilities
1. Be sure the machine is displaying your name before shooting.
2. Show up on time or even early, with money and ready to shoot.
3. Be ready to shoot throughout the match in a timely manner.
4. Demonstrate the good sportsmanship that has made darts the popular sport that it is for more than three decades.
5. Claim any prizes won i.e. trophy, checks, plaques, shirts, etc. in a timely manner. Once the league has been completed for 6 months, the office is no longer responsible for your unclaimed items. Payback checks will be mailed out to any Captains that have an address on file, or other arrangements can be made for pickup. Central Distributing only holds checks for 6 months following the completion of a league ... after that, the money is absorbed into the tournament fund and the accounting books are balanced. We understand if arrangements must be made at a later date, but please keep in mind that we are not a storage facility & accounting has to be balanced a couple times a year and it's impossible to do so with uncashed checks floating around.
Sub Rules
1. Original members are the first 4 players on the signup sheet or a player that has played a third the league. For the short Winter & Summer sessions, that's a minimum of 3 weeks ... For the long Fall session, that's a minimum of 5 weeks.
2. Your sub should be checked for each player they are replacing, as league caps are enforced and having a team over your leagues' cap will result in loss of games. If a team is found over the cap, the opposing team will automatically get their win % against that team or 66.6%, whichever is greater.
3. At least one original member of your team must play at all times. A team may play with less than a full team, but must type in a substitute “Ghost” into the board. Edit your Ghost player's average by highlighting his name on the roster and tapping the bull. “Ghost” players are given a 0.1 for MPR and a 0.10 for PPD. Again, any player having played more than 33% the league is considered an "original" player...even if that player remains on your team's sub list.
4. If your sub has a current average with a competing league system that is higher than his current Greater Omaha average, use the higher average when figuring cap. Ex: John Doe plays for Greater Omaha and has an average of a 1.9, John Doe also plays for Acme Vending and has an average of a 2.2...use the 2.2 as it was the higher average. Averages of .01-.05 are rounded down to nearest tenth ... averages of .06-.09 are rounded up i.e 2.25 is a 2.2 ... 2.26 is 2.3.
5. The selected substitute MAY NOT be a regular on the roster of another team in your same division. If a player from another team is used as a substitute, your team will forfeit all wins that player was involved in.
6. For City tournaments, subs MUST be pre-approved by the League Coordinator. Your sub's MPR/PPD CANNOT be higher than the player they are replacing. Subs for City must have an established MPR and PPD with Greater Omaha Leagues and must have played a Greater Omaha League within the previous 12 months to shoot. This notice is also good, as it gives the league coordinator time to enter the sub's info into the dartboards. NEW AMMENDMENT FALL 2018: (Player that subbed for your team must have played a minimum of 1/3 of the season to qualify for City tournament, otherwise alternate sub rules apply). Example: 15 week season, sub must have played a minimum of 5 weeks on your team to be utilized for City tournament ... in the short Winter/Summer session a minimum of 3 weeks. If less than a third, that sub must fall under alternate sub rules and have an average equal to or lower than the player they are replacing. NEW AMMENDMENT SUMMER 2023: When utilizing a sub for City tournament, if your sub's average is so far under your original partner that it moves you to a different City division, your team will be moved as long as the sub is approved a minimum 48 hours prior to the tournament date.
Starting Remote League on Galaxy 3 Dartboard
1. Select League Menu
2. Select Play REMOTE League
3. Select your team and whether your Home or Away
4. Select your opposing team for the night
5. Wait for Opponent to do the same and connect to the match
6. Only feed team's money once the opponents have connected and the league has begun.
**If you put your money into the machine prior to the opponent logging in and they end up not playing, you will have to put any remaining credits on a Hot Button.
Changing Shooting Order:
1. Press arrow on roster screen to highlight players. Once a player is highlighted, you can select them and choose the player you would like to swap them with.
In Mixed Trips or Mixed Doubles, the female player MUST remain in the first position on the roster.
1. All forfeits are subject to review. NEW 2023: Forfeits will give the non-offending team a 15-0 victory (based upon 15 games) or 13-0 (based upon 13 games); HOWEVER the team taking the forfeit CANNOT be declared the League Champion IF their winning % without said forfeit does not keep them as Champion. Taking a forfeit should not be the only reason a team wins a league championship over a team who played all of their matches.
2. Forfeits are not allowed the first week of league play IF a team is having troubles setting up their board, technical issues, weather, late league schedule change, etc. Captains, you MUST make up this match if missed.
3. When a team forfeits a match, their expected league dues for the match will be deducted from their payback as the league's accounting software expects that money to be paid in (That is why the team taking the forfeit still has to pay their league dues). In addition to this, each player will be penalized $5.00 from their payback for forfeiting. Forfeiting matches should be a worst case scenario, after all attempts to reschedule or find a substitute have been exhausted. Money taken as penalties is added to the Ultimate Qualifier Finale pot. Forfeits are NOT allowed to decide the League Champion on the final week of league & in that situation win % would determine final standings, however, if a team fails to show up or play that last week, it will result in forfeiture of their payback, 100 points deducted from their UQ rankings & an automatic 60 day suspension from earning additional points. No-showing the final league match of a season can significantly alter the final standings. It's not fair to any team in the league. Any team found to regularly forfeit matches from season to season can be suspended from the league for a determined period of time.
4. Your team will not be allowed to participate in City or receive any bonuses if you have a combined total of two matches not played or forfeited i.e. if your team is in 1st place, but you have two missing or forfeited matches as of the conclusion of the league, you will forfeit your Championship and any benefits that may include. For each forfeited or missing match, teams will have their league dues from the night in question subtracted from their payback, as well as a penalty. It is extremely important to makeup missing matches and to avoid forfeits at all costs; the league is much more fair if everyone plays their matches. Anyone forfeiting the final week of the league will not be allowed to participate in the City tournament plus they will also forfeit their payback along with a 100 point deduction from their Ultimate Qualifier points & be immediately suspended from earning additional Ultimate Qualifier points for a period no less than 60 days. Canceling a match in mid-play & giving the remaining games to your opponents will be handled the same as a forfeiture in terms of penalty.
5. Your team WILL be dropped from the league and scores adjusted (forfeiting all payback) if you have 2 or more matches not played at the conclusion of the league, this is a combined total of forfeits and/or not played during the season. Don't sign up for a league that you cannot honor your commitment. New Fall 2019: Being dropped from a league or dropping from a league results in ineligibility to earn UQ points in any tournaments utilizing league software or otherwise (i.e. Remote, EQ LOD, Capped tourneys, UQ Finale, etc.) for a period of 90 days. Once a team drops out of a league, if their spot in the league is taken over & finished by someone else, the player(s) taking over the spot will be awarded the payback earned by that team in entirety, plus the 50 UQ pts signup bonus & will have the ability to play in the City Championship. This is a reward to those players allowing the league to be completed without additional byes, etc.
6. If the team is not connected to the league match following the 10 minute grace period, the following steps A-D listed below MUST be followed to receive the forfeit!!!
7. Any player finishing a league with 4 or more total missing or forfeited matches will be on a probationary suspension from the league for the upcoming season (This includes dropping out of a league).This player will be allowed to be on a team roster, but will NOT be allowed to serve as a team Captain or contact for the season. This player will not be allowed to play in any league-sanctioned event for the duration of that time i.e. Colorado State, Heartland Dart Championships, Ultimate Finale or any equalized LOD's or BYP tournaments utilizing league software. While this penalty may seem severe, forfeits, missing matches & drop outs are disrespectful to everyone in the league, take away from the enjoyment of everyone and make for additional paperwork for the league coordinator and accountant. (UPDATED: 5/1/17)
8. For each missing league match at the conclusion of the season, each player will have league dues for the match deducted from payback; as well as a penalty of $2.50/player, from each player involved in the match, that will be added to the Ultimate Qualifier Finale pot. Missing matches should be avoided at all costs; as it has a negative effect on the league standings...therefor could effect other teams as well.
9. Any team who is missing a league match at the conclusion of the season CANNOT be declared the League Champion, if a sweep in the match would have altered their place in the standings. It is highly important to make sure all matches are played to insure that the true League Champion is crowned and not earned strictly upon missing matches that could've ended up equaling losses that altered the final standings. The exception to this rule is if team can provide screen shots of multiple attempts to make contact with opponent and makeup match with no communication or help from opponent. In this instance, the match will remain not played & win% will be used for League Champion.
10. Any team being dropped from a league, whether that be from voluntarily dropping, forfeiting, missing matches, etc. will not have that league's games counted towards sanctioning or eligibility for NDA events i.e. Team Dart, Regionals, Juniors, etc.
A) Call the bar of the team that is not present and inquire. *Captains without a current phone number listed on the league website can not forfeit a team. Facebook, although many times useful, is NOT an official form of contact as there are quite a few players who don't check their social media regularly. If your contact info is not up to date, please contact the league coordinator to update.
B) Call the phone number listed for the Captain of the opposing team and inquire. Perhaps they are having board or internet issues.
C) The team taking the forfeit should follow these steps to take a forfeit:
1. League Menu
2. Play League
3. Select your team as Home
4. Put in your league dues
5. Select your team again as Away
6. Confirm Forfeit
D) Email, Text or private message League Coordinator to inform them of the forfeit. Include your team name and the opponent's team name.
6. Forfeits may only be taken on the night a match is scheduled. Failure to do so is considered an agreement to reschedule. EXCEPTION: If a reschedule time is agreed upon and one team does not show up, a forfeit may be taken. Also, if the team requesting the forfeit refuses to find a time that works for the opponent who was ready to play the originally scheduled match time, a forfeit can be pressed in lieu of the reschedule. This is the only time other than the originally schedule match that a forfeit may be taken.
7. Please keep in mind Captains that many times a forfeit can be avoided by practicing good communication. Upon agreeing to reschedule a match, it is the responsibility of both teams to communicate and work together. The team requesting a reschedule must work around the other team's schedule for the makeup, but both sides must try to find a time that works for both. Forfeits can NOT be taken if the Captain taking the forfeit has not attempted to contact the other team prior to performing the forfeit. Doing so will result in a reverse of the decision and that team losing the games as it is unsportsmanlike conduct. Reschedules & Forfeits should be an absolute last resort, once any & all efforts to find a substitute player for the match have been exhausted.
8. Forfeits in the final two weeks of scheduled league play - A forfeit in the final two weeks of league play will NOT be allowed to determine a League Champion. If a team finishes in 1st place and took a forfeit in the final two weeks of the league, the League Champion will be determined by winning percentage...not counting that forfeit. If a team just doesn't show up to play or makes no attempt to contact, the offending team will be docked $15/player from their payback. Each player of offending team will also have 50 points deducted from their UQ points. As always, all rulings are finalized by the League Coordinator. Emergency situations and/or extreme weather conditions will be excluded. **Repeat offenders (missing or forfeiting matches throughout the season) may still be subject to removal from league and forfeiture of payback. Those types of teams take a lot of fun out of the leagues and should have consequences.
9. If a no call - no show occurs on the final night of league, the League Champion for that division will be decided based upon the teams' winning percentage. The team which no call - no showed is ineligible to win the League Championship and will still have the previously stated $15 penalty + expected league dues from the match docked from their payback.
10. Any team which forfeits a match will have 50 points deducted from their Ultimate Qualifier point total for each occurrence. Any team with an unplayed match will have 50 points deducted from their Ultimate Qualifier point total for each occurrence (Team who couldn't make regularly scheduled match) . Any team dropping from a league will have 100 points deducted from their Ultimate Qualifier point total + their sign up bonus. New Fall 2019: Being dropped from a league or dropping from a league results in ineligibility to participate in any tournaments utilizing league software (i.e. Remote, EQ LOD, Capped tourneys, UQ Finale, etc.) for a period of 90 days. 2nd offense is ineligibility to participate in any tournaments/leagues, etc. utilizing league software for a period of no less than 180 days and said player will not be allowed to act as Captain of a team.
11. Any player signing up for a league and then "dropping out", even if it's prior to the league starting will be penalized as a drop out ... 150 points deducted from UQ rankings + 30 day suspension. Dropping from 2 leagues after signing up will result in a minimum 90 day suspension ... 3 or more leagues = 180 day supsension. This practice could not only cost the bar a filled spot for a league i.e customers for an evening, but it may also force players to play at a different bar if they were told the position was filled when they attempted to sign up. Do NOT commit to playing a league if you are not completely confident that you can do so.
For each missing or forfeited match a team has, the players on said team (unable to make regularly scheduled match) will have points deducted from their Ultimate Qualifier points. The majority of players sign up for leagues based upon their availability and many are unable to play other days or times...please be respectful and do everything in your power to find a substitute if you're unable to play a match.
Board Issues:
1. Board No Longer Counting Any Darts - This issue has arisen only a couple times in the years since remote leagues have started. If you notice mid-match that all of a sudden none of your darts are counting, simply unplug your dartboard for 30 seconds...plug it back in and resume the league match. This fix has had a 100% success rate.
2. Match Suspension - Due to weather, electrical, internet issues, etc power to the dart boards may be lost during match
play. When this occurs and the power is lost to one dart board, the other team will receive a message stating that match
play has been interrupted. The team will then be prompted to “resume match” or “suspend match”. Please contact the
other team to confer with them before answering the dartboard prompt. Should both teams decide to continue play, please
select “resume match” and should both teams decide to reschedule the match simply select “suspend match” until you’ve
reached an agreeable date to resume.
Once the teams involved in a suspended match decide to continue, at least one team must play on the original dart board
from the malfunctioned match. Each team will choose themselves as the appropriate home / away team and the dart board
will recognize the match as being suspended. The dart board will prompt to answer if the match was suspended, do you
wish to resume? Both teams say yes and the program will take you back into the match at the point of suspension. It will
recognize the match as being paid and will not require league fees again.
NOTE: Manually initiating a “match suspension” will require interrupting power to the dart board for a few minutes in
3. Remote Camera Malfunctions… per Arachnid - the only time the remote camera function is not working is when the
locations internet upload speed is not fast enough. Each G3 dart board should have a MINIMUM of 3mb of
Download/Upload speed. For example – 1 board = 3mb down/3mb up, 3 boards = 9mb down/9mb up, etc.** So most times when a camera is blinking or goes black mid-match, it is because of a drop in internet speed...not an actual malfunction of equipment. If this tends to be an ongoing issue at your sponsoring location, perhaps request that the location contact their internet provider about increasing their internet speed.
4. NO Camera Detected - This for whatever reason happens from time to time in Arachnid's system boot up. The machine will not recognize the camera, so upon attempting to connect to remote play the machine will display this message. Generally if you pull the plug on the dartboard for 30 seconds and then plug it back in, the problem will be gone and play can resume as normal.
5. Shooting On A Teammates Turn - When a player throws while the machine is displaying the name of the player’s partner: A) If caught soon enough, contact the other team and back up the game to allow the correct player to throw. Or B) if not caught soon enough, that team loses the next players turn in line. They will push the player change button after the correct player as identified by the game.
6. If a dart is accidentally score, pause the game & contact the opponent to have them back the board up. If a dart doesn't count, you may pause the game and contact the opponent. It is the opponent's option whether to allow it to be tapped or not. Once the next turn has been thrown, the issue is in the past and it's assumed to have been accepted and play resumed. Do NOT complain about something after play has been resumed. If game is paused & contact is made, but opponent refuses to back up dart, continue play but contact the league coordinator to notify them of incident so it can be reviewed. Once it's confirmed via camera footage, the game will be awarded to the team who didn't manually score a dart. If a board is not registering multiple darts, have the bar contact the tech number ASAP to have it repaired.
7. League Coordinator should be available to receive calls/messages until 10pm. After that time, please use proper communication with your opponent and if that's not possible or there's a protest and you absolutely cannot complete the match ... Suspend the match to be played at a later date. League Coordinator should be available between the hours of 9am - 10pm most days.
Good Sportsmanship/Dart Etiquette
1. Player Etiquette & Good Sportsmanship…Players are required to conduct themselves in a positive manner at all times.
Misguided competitiveness is not an excuse! Drinking is not an excuse! Please be especially considerate because the
match is played remotely which in and of itself can create extra concerns, uncertainties and or potential for adding
unwanted stress. Work with the other team to resolve a problem as quickly and reasonably as possible.
• Be prepared to throw when it’s your turn. Do NOT delay the match for any reason...your time is not more valuable than your opponents.
• Throwing practice darts during your opponent’s turn is considered poor darting etiquette. If you are asked to
discontinue this by the opposing team, please do so immediately. The same goes for waving your hands or purposely trying to distract your opponent through the camera. If you fail to comply and the opponent reports the issue, you are subject to penalties.
Vulgar/Hateful Gestures into camera towards opponents - Remember players, you not only represent our league, but also the location which is sponsoring you. If your opponent reports your team for such gestures, including but not limited to flipping them off, holding up signs, sexual gestures, etc than your team will face penalties. 1st offense may be a $5/player fine from your team's payback. Additional offenses may cause your team to incur more financial penalties or possible removal from league.
Please refrain from posting any hateful or negative comments on the league's social media pages. Whether they are about a player, team, location, etc. no real good can result from public negativity. Any posts will be removed by admin and repeat offenders may be removed from the group. In an age of cyber-bullying and "keyboard warriors", social media posts have gotten a bit out of hand when dealing with a grievance. Instead of putting someone on "blast", perhaps contact them personally to resolve the matter as adults. If the issue is something that is a league infraction or needs to be addressed by the league, please contact the league coordinator privately. If you have a grievance with the league or issues with how something was handled, rules, handicapping, etc. don't post the issue on social media, instead act like an adult and private message the league coordinator so whatever the issue is can be explained and resolved.
All rules are meant to help provide a more enjoyable experience for all darters. Please never use any rule out of the context for which it was written, in doing so you may be causing more problems than the rule was originally meant to help solve or prevent. Never allow misplaced competitiveness to over shadow the real purpose of dart league, which is to have FUN. Common sense and good sportsmanship will always solve a problem if you will allow it. THROW DARTS, RELAX AND HAVE FUN!!!!
**All penalties incurred throughout league are added to the Ultimate Qualifier Finale pot, so they are also going back to the players.
Junior/Youth Leagues
1. Substitute for the youth player MUST be another youth player and still be under the division cap.
2. Junior players are required to throw from the regulation throw line. There is no minimum age to begin playing leagues, they just have to be able to finish a whole match while throwing from the regulation throw line.
Junior Player Starting Averages:
< 9 years old --- 0.9 & 12.0
9 - 10 years old --- 1.0 & 13.0
11 - 12 --- 1.3 & 14.0
13 - 14 --- 1.4 & 15.0
15 - 17 --- 1.5 & 16.0
18 - 20 --- 1.7 & 17.0
1. Email, Text or Private message the League Coordinator with details on the situation or you may call the following morning at (402) 350-4125. Complete the match, even if you feel a team is illegal. Don't get mad at the other team or allow it to throw you off of your game. Most protests are the result of a misunderstanding or miscommunication and can be resolved. League Coordinator should be available to receive calls/messages until 10pm. After that time, please use proper communication with your opponent and if that's not possible or there's a protest and you absolutely cannot complete the match ... Suspend the match to be played at a later date. League Coordinator should be available between the hours of 9am - 10pm most days.
2. Write yourself a note while it's still fresh, so when the league coordinator contacts you about your protest you remember all of your basis for protesting.
3. A protest MUST be made the night of or the morning immediately following the match to the league coordinator.
4. Protests are handled by the League Coordinator and/or a board of peers and all decisions final.
5. If there is any correspondence between teams, players, etc that may help with resolution of the issue...please screen shot and send them with your protest.
City Tournament Schedule:
1. City tournaments for league will not start before the league has concluded. Information will be available at the Greater Omaha Leagues website www.greateromahaleagues.com
2. Players can only shoot on one team at a City tournament. Two teams may combine to form one team at City tournament if both of their partners are unable to participate and the player they are replacing is an equal or higher average than the substitute.
3. New Fall 2018: League Champion T-Shirts WILL NO LONGER be awarded to players winning the league. Instead, League Champions will earn bonus cash payout for the accomplishment. This is a change that was deemed necessary following several seasons of unclaimed shirts laying in the office and eventually being disposed of. It was a waste of player money as the costs of shirts was taken from dues collected prior to payback.
4. Payback check amounts are figured based on a teams wins/losses, League Champions will be determined by the team with the most wins at the end of the league. So it is imperative that your team play all of your matches or it will adversely effect your ranking. 80% of the payout goes to wins, 20% to losses, so the more your team wins ... the higher your payout at the end of the season. Fall 2018: League Champions will begin receiving Championship Bonuses for accomplishing the feat ... that means additional money on your payout for your team!
5. Substitutes at City Tournaments: A substitute can either be a player who has played with your team during the season or MUST be the same average as the person they are replacing or lower. Sub must have played a Greater Omaha League within the previous 12 months & have an established average. NEW AMMENDMENT FALL 2018: (Player that subbed for your team must have played a minimum of 33% of the season to qualify for City tournament, otherwise alternate sub rules apply). Example: 15 week season, sub must have played a minimum of 5 weeks on your team to be utilized for City tournament. If less than 33%, that sub must fall under alternate sub rules and have an average equal to or lower than the player they are replacing. You will NOT be allowed to participate in City tournament with an illegal substitute, so make sure your sub is eligible. The easiest way to do so is to get them pre-approved by the league coordinator.
6. NEW WINTER 2023: Any player who has a "known ability" or tournament average drastically exceeding that of his league average will have the higher average assigned for the City tournament. This will keep players on teams with no chance to win the league from purposely dropping average to gain an advantage at the City tournament.
7. Any subs that also play for other vendors or PPD leagues. Their "Best Known Stats" will be factored in when determining eligibility, so make sure you check both the other vendors stats as well as the TOC website to confirm.
City Tournaments' format: Race to 3, Double Elimination ... Cork for "Home" team, loser starts games 2-4 and Cork again for game 5 start. Game 1 & Game 5 are the only games that player order can be altered. In games 2-4, players must remain as listed on board. In "Mixed Leagues", the FEMALE player must always remain in roster spot #1.
Captain of winning team must report result of match immediately following conclusion of match. If a period of more than 15 minutes passes without a match report, outcome of match may be reversed or other consequences. It's important to report immediately and practice good communication or you cause the tournament to slow for everyone else.
1st & 2nd place teams win money payout at City tournaments.
A City tournament MUST have a minimum of more than 4 teams participating to be hosted. City tournaments may have multiple divisions if there are 12 or more teams participating. Divisions for City tournaments are figured just like league divisions; based upon a team's combined average. If a City is scheduled to have multiple divisions & teams decline to participate: If 2 levels & 1 level doesn't have enough teams participating to host ... the effected level will be absorbed into the other making one larger tournament. If 3 or more levels: If it's the lowest level, it will be absorbed into the level above it ... if it's the middle level, it will be evenly split between the higher & lower levels. We will do whatever possible to make sure everyone who wants to play in a City tournament has the opportunity to do so.
Any team confirming participation in a City tournament and then not playing (unless due to emergency) after brackets have been built, will have a penalty of 100 UQ points deducted, 30 suspension from remote tournaments & $10 deducted from payback. Same penalty goes for a team leaving prior to conclusion of City tourney (unless due to emergency). This can cause an imbalance of the bracket and potentially alter results for the other teams.
Ultimate Qualifier Series:
No longer (As of 2016) will events be limited to those that are scheduled by a Greater Omaha Leagues representative and have to work around the other events on the schedule. All Greater Omaha League locations are encouraged to host qualifier tournaments for their regular area dart players to earn points. All that is required of the location and/or their representative is:
A) Provide Greater Omaha Leagues representative Steve Garrean Jr a minimum of three (3) weeks notice prior to an event date so it can be added to the qualifier event schedule on the league website. Also provide all details of the event, start time, format, entry fee, prize money added, etc. This way we can properly promote the events and any players outside of the locations' area have the choice to travel for additional points. Format is subject to change based upon the location, number of players, etc. However, if a tournament is scheduled and promoted as equalized or capped, it must remain that way to eligible for Qualifier points.
B) Email, private message or post to Facebook the completed bracket of the tournament with the player signup list (complete with first & last names) so that points can be properly awarded. Also please note the payouts for the tournament on the bracket. This MUST be turned in within 24 hours of the tournament or the tournament will not count towards the qualifier. This is to insure timely updates of the rankings. If at all possible, utilizing an online software such as Challonge.com and providing the league coordinator the link are the easiest and most simple ways to handle the situation.
C) Tournaments must have a minimum of four (4) teams / singles to earn qualifier points. Any play format is at the discretion of the hosting location.
As previously mentioned, we would like to see the majority of these tournaments hosted for and promoted to your regular players, but we at Greater Omaha Leagues will also do our best to help promote each event to players interested in traveling as well. People playing in these tournaments do not need to be league players, but as always there is a minimum eligibility requirement of league games for anyone attempting to qualify for the finale event. Locations are encouraged to get there regular, non-dart players involved in events as well...every one of us were non-dart players prior to getting into the sport.
As usual, Greater Omaha Leagues may assign certain tournaments as Double or Triple point-earning events, depending upon size, charity status, remote tournament or amount of prize money added to the event at their discretion.
Players can access tournament schedule on the league website www.greateromahaleagues.com
**Any players who drop out of league will have their points for league signup deducted from their amount + a penalty of 100 points. Each time a match is forfeited, both players of the forfeiting team will have 50 points deducted from the qualifier rankings. Also, players missing matches at the conclusion of the season will have 25 points deducted from the qualifier rankings for each offense (All players involved in the match...it is extremely important to play all scheduled matches). Only exception to this missing matches deduction is if it occurs on final week of play due to emergency or other league-approved reason.
**Any players dropping out of multiple leagues will not be able to compete in the Ultimate Qualifier Finale event. The player will also be unable to participate in any events utilizing league software or sanctioned events for 90 days. This is on top of the league rule where any player dropping out of a league is not eligible to be a team Captain for one calendar year.
***Anyone who leaves in the middle of a Qualifier tournament for any reason other than an emergency will forfeit all points earned for the event. The 2nd occurrence will result in a 50 point deduction and each additional occurrence will result in a 50 point deduction.
These rules may have been updated...please visit the Ultimate Qualifier page on this website for the most current information regarding the series.
Criteria for Finale Tournament Eligibility:
A) Players must have played a minimum of 250 games in Greater Omaha Leagues (Traditional, TOC, In-House), with a minimum of 100 coming from traditional leagues and/or GO Remote tourneys (Remote leagues & tourneys offered by Greater Omaha Leagues). So it is important that you play at least two, possibly three Greater Omaha Leagues in the qualifier year in order to meet requirements. Players keep track of this and make sure you have enough league games...if you do not, it won't matter how many points you earn throughout the year. The finale tournament is Hi-Lo format and averages used for that format will be an average of your prior year's games of both league & city tournament play. Games played in TOC leagues/tourneys will also be factored into this average. If a player has played in a competitor's league and out performed his Greater Omaha average, that league average will be factored into his finale average as well. We want this to be as competitive as possible.
*If a PayPal entry requires refund, it will be refunded MINUS the fees that PayPal collected OR the player has the option to keep the entry as a credit towards a future tournament entry.
Greater Omaha League rules do NOT supersede bar rules or state laws.
Greater Omaha Leagues
609 N. 108th Cir
Omaha, Nebraska 68154
[email protected]
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***New Pool League Rule*** AMENDED 6/13/14: Any missing score sheets at season-ending deadline will be counted as a total loss for home team and league dues will be deducted from their payback.
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****6/1/13: If your team is in the 'B' Division, there are absolutely no 'A or Master' rated players allowed. If you are in the 'A' Division, you are allowed one (1) 'Master' rated player, according to the Heartland rankings, in any given match. If you are caught breaking this rule, you will lose all points for each additional 'Master' rated player on your team during a match.
The week will still count towards the Master player's Heartland eligibility, as he/she may not be aware of a foul being committed. However, the match scores will be re-figured and adjusted accordingly.
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Cass County/Plattsmouth Pool League follows it's own set of rules and they have always been flexible as it is a gentleman's league. In league play, the four players who begin the match must finish the match, if one must leave before conclusion of match, their games will turn into "ghost" games. "Ghost" players are awarded 4 points per game. In tournament, a team may use a fifth player, but once a match is started the same 4 players must play that match.