After a year of tournaments and is finally time to announce which players have earned the right to play for nearly $4,500.00 in the 2015 Ultimate Qualifier Finale event on Saturday December 5th, 2015. The finale will be held at Plattsmouth VFW. Players will check-in from 11-12pm and the shooting will begin at 12:30pm.
1. Steve Garrean Jr. 2. Bev Halagarda 3. Dallas Winters 4. Gabe Record 5. Matt Winters 6. Steve Garrean Sr. 7. Chance Taylor 8. Larry Van Voltenberg 9. Gabe Ahlers 10. Amber Sidney 11. Rodney Ketchum 12. Aaron Halagarda 13. Jim Donnelly 14. Brian Martens 15. Anne McKinney 16. Sonny Seyler 17. Ashley Camerota 18. Derek Showman 19. Matt Alexen 20. Tim Sorensen 21. Jeff Martens 22. Kole Gray 23. Ryan Munhall 24. Adam Porter 25. Pat Sedlacek 26. Courtney Ball 27. Tim Isham 28. Nolan Snyder 29. Shawn Schultz 30. Julie Garrean 31. Mark Robinson 32. DJ Bibler 33. Nora Brand 34. Brad Binau 35. Jeff Brindley 36. Chris Thurman 37. Derek Shreeves 38. Danny Brodersen II 39. Cheryl Brodersen 40. Frank Hintze ------------------------------ 41. Wes Babcock 42. Jaime Tweedy 43. Whitey Smith 44. Terril Kennedy 45. Tylor Troxell Those of you who are just outside the Top 40, it may be in your best interest to show up for the Ultimate Qualifier Finale as if anyone in the Top 40 does not show up, the next highest non-Top 40 player in attendance will be selected to take their place in the event. Good luck to everyone!
In an effort to bring new things to its league system, Greater Omaha Leagues has partnered up with the Promo Nation rewards company to bring its players the inaugural Promo Nation/Greater Omaha Cup dart tournament.
This tournament is another reward for Greater Omaha Leagues' players who earn their way to the top of the pack in its annual Ultimate Qualifier Series. Only the players who finish in the Top 80 of the previous year's Ultimate Qualifier Series will be eligible to play in this tournament. Players qualifying to compete in the event will be notified via Facebook, text message or the league website shortly following the 2015 series' final point-earning event, the 14th Annual Night Before Thanksgiving Luck of the Draw. The tournament is scheduled for Saturday January 2nd, 2016 and hosted by the Eagles #365 in Plattsmouth, Nebraska; who is providing the cup trophies for the event. Check-in is 4-4:45pm with a start time of 5pm. Entry for the event is $10/player. The Promo Nation Greater Omaha Cup will be broken into A, B, C & D divisions based upon skill level and participation. Each division winner will receive the 2016 Greater Omaha Cup trophy, 60% of the division's prize pot & 15,000 Promo Nation points redeemable on the rewards company's website, This tournament won't just reward the division Champions, but 2nd and 3rd place finishers in each division will also receive the prizes listed on the flyer for the event. Stay tuned for more information about the list of players earning eligibility to participate in the event. |
February 2025